Category Archives: lighthouse

Knowing North Carolina!!!

I know I mentioned in the previous post we were planning to visit another states, allow me to tell you, plans just changed.

Instead, due to work assignments, we just stayed at North Carolina and decided to start getting to know the state. First, we went to the Outer Banks. We felt in love with the area. It was just perfect…beaches, people, food, virgin areas, and drinks. If you have an adventurous spirit take the ferry to Ocracoke, rent a bike and visit the Lighthouse. Don’t forget to stop by Flying Melon for a delicious meal and Zillies for a beer (They have a very nice beer collection).

After that, we went to Wilmington. Nice Area! We went to a Surf Contest at Wrightsville and hang out with some locals. Downtown Wilmington is super busy. We took a bus tour and learned some secrets of the city. Downtown nightlife is super fun, it might be because the UNC University is close. You will find all classes of lifestyles, you will find anything you need to have a blast. I mean ANYTHING.

We are planning two more trips to complete the year: 1) Blowing Rock Area and 2) Charlotte. Any recommendation?

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